Generous donations from Clifton Bailiey make funds available for student travel to conferences and meetings.
Statistician R. Clifton Bailey of McLean, Virginia, sponsors travel awards to help undergraduate and graduate students travel to conferences.
Applicants must submit their requests to Brett Hunter, associate professor of statistics, who administers the funds.
Criteria for applicants:
Students should have a peer-reviewed poster or paper presentation accepted by the conference organizers.
Before applying, students must explore other funding avenues. Undergraduates should apply for support from the Undergraduate Student Travel Fund administered by OSCAR. Graduate students should apply to the Graduate Student Travel Fund.
Before attending, students should give a practice presentation to students/faculty to the Mason chapter of the American Statistical Association, or provide a draft manuscript to the awards committee.
Conference participants must submit a written report about what they learned.
Applications must include:
A letter of support from the student’s faculty advisor.
Abstract of the presentation.
Details on the type of conference to be attended.
Evidence of funding requests from other sources, as outlined above.
Statement of how attending this conference will benefit the student's studies.